You’ve seen ‘em. Those giant metal flowers stuck in the ground. The rakes and garden tools transformed into animals. Rough cut sun and moon images hung on the front of houses and sheds. Desert cactus that look almost real enough not to touch. Even dragons coming up out of the earth and tractors stuck in the “mud.” And you’ve always wondered how they do that. You’ve even told yourself you’d like to try that. Well, your time is NOW. (All supplies are included; however, if you have a particular garden tool or other piece of steel/stainless steel you’d like to incorporate into your sculpture, feel free to bring it to class.) While the sky is the limit, please remember: you must be able to transport it home!
- ALL classes begin with safety! Participants are taught about welding safety, plasma cutting and in this case GMAW (MIG) welding. Demonstrations and practice time are provided.
- We provide a small group setting of usually no more than 10 people so that everyone can get the individual instruction and attention they need.
- This class is co-ed.
- We provide all safety gear including safety glasses, welding jackets, gloves, welding helmets and hearing protection.
- WHAT TO WEAR: jeans, cotton t-shirt and closed-toe shoes (boots preferred; tennis shoes are OK; no sandals); please ensure ankles and feet are covered. T-shirts/tank tops are fine; you will wear a welding jacket on top to protect your skin.
- FYI: if you already have your own safety glasses that fit you perfectly, you are welcome to bring them. Otherwise, we provide standard ANSI-approved safety glasses that are yours to take home.
- Late brunch will be provided.
Please call, e-mail or message us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to receive a military/1st responder discount code.
Bookings are closed for this event.